"Quiet" (original title: "Stille") is a 2018 short film directed by Marianne Bundgaard Nielsen. The film employs a series of evocative tableaux to depict the profound and enduring impact of childhood traumas, including neglect, alcoholism, and depression. By presenting these experiences from a child's perspective, "Quiet" illustrates how feelings of responsibility and threats often compel children to remain silent, protecting their adults out of loyalty.
The film has been recognized with several awards, including the Golden Gunnar for Best Nordic-Baltic Short Film at the Fredrikstad Animation Festival in 2018.
"Quiet" has been showcased at numerous international film festivals, such as the Fredrikstad Animation Festival, Minimalen Short Film Festival, and the Human International Documentary Film Festival in Oslo.
Marianne Bundgaard Nielsen, making her directorial debut with "Quiet," holds a master's degree in production design from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and Design. She has an extensive background as a production designer on several award-winning Norwegian animated short films and has developed a unique narrative style focused on telling stories from a child's perspective.

DIRECTOR, SCRIPT AND DESIGN: Marianne Bundgaard Nielsen
PRODUCER: Anita Killi Trollfilm AS
MUSIC AND SOUND: Rasmus Zwicki
ANIMATION: Triin Sarapik-Kivi Anita Killi
POST PRODUCTION: Jan Otto Ertesvåg Hammerhai AS
FINANCED: Østnorsk Filmsenter by Terje Nilsen
PRODUCTION ADVISOR: Ingrid Festøy Ottesen
SPECIAL THANKS TO: Kathrine Bundgaard, Morten Birk Bundgaard Wangensteen Anne Mona M. A. Bundgaard, Danniel Nor M. A. Bundgaard, Grete Bundgaard, Jørgen M. Wangensteen, Niels Nielsen, Sofie Jinja Myung Andersen, Gro Dahle, Cornelia Clausen, Randi Dahl, Bente M. Weimand, Ingelise Lund, Kristin Positiv Tangstrøm, Jaris Dolberg, Sveinung Wangensteen
PREVIOUS DISTRIBUTED BY: The Norwegian Film Institute. Please contact Trollfilm if you are interested in distributing this film in your marked.
Norwegian Film Institute
Østnorsk Filmsenter
2018 © Marianne Bundgaard Nielsen
"Quiet" (original title: "Stille") is a 2018 short film directed by Marianne Bundgaard Nielsen. The film employs a series of evocative tableaux to depict the profound and enduring impact of childhood traumas, including neglect, alcoholism, and depression. By presenting these experiences from a child's perspective, "Quiet" illustrates how feelings of responsibility and threats often compel children to remain silent, protecting their adults out of loyalty.
The film has been recognized with several awards, including the Golden Gunnar for Best Nordic-Baltic Short Film at the Fredrikstad Animation Festival in 2018.
"Quiet" has been showcased at numerous international film festivals, such as the Fredrikstad Animation Festival, Minimalen Short Film Festival, and the Human International Documentary Film Festival in Oslo.
Marianne Bundgaard Nielsen, making her directorial debut with "Quiet," holds a master's degree in production design from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and Design. She has an extensive background as a production designer on several award-winning Norwegian animated short films and has developed a unique narrative style focused on telling stories from a child's perspective.
About the film
"Quiet" (original title: "Stille") is a 2018 short film directed by Marianne Bundgaard Nielsen. The film employs a series of evocative tableaux to depict the profound and enduring impact of childhood traumas, including neglect, alcoholism, and depression. By presenting these experiences from a child's perspective, "Quiet" illustrates how feelings of responsibility and threats often compel children to remain silent, protecting their adults out of loyalty.
The film has been recognized with several awards, including the Golden Gunnar for Best Nordic-Baltic Short Film at the Fredrikstad Animation Festival in 2018.
"Quiet" has been showcased at numerous international film festivals, such as the Fredrikstad Animation Festival, Minimalen Short Film Festival, and the Human International Documentary Film Festival in Oslo.
Marianne Bundgaard Nielsen, making her directorial debut with "Quiet," holds a master's degree in production design from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and Design. She has an extensive background as a production designer on several award-winning Norwegian animated short films and has developed a unique narrative style focused on telling stories from a child's perspective.